sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Pieces of advice from Dalai Lama - Parte II

- Don’t leave that a little anger hurts a friendship.

- Smile when you answer the phone. The people on the other side will notice that in your voice.

- Pass more time alone.

- Open your arms to changes, but don’t abdicate from your values.

- Remember… sometimes silence is the better answer.

- Read more books and watch less TV.

- Live a good and honest life. So when you get older and look back you can take advantage again.

- A love atmosphere is very important at your home. Do anything you can for create a calm home.

- Read what is in the implied sense.

- Share your knowledge. It’s a way to reach the immortality.

- Be gentile with the planet.

- Pray. There is a huge power on that.

- Never interrupt while you were being eulogized.

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